Media Center Computer

Media Center Computer

So a while ago I talked about Plex, and my love of using it as a platform for sharing media.  I briefly talked about RasPlex/Raspberry Pi, but I thought it might make sense to expand on it a bit.  A quick refresher on Plex, it is a piece of server software that centralizes all your media on that server and can then stream all that media to any Plex clients you have available.  That works great for using Plex clients on your phone, your computer, etc.  But what exactly do I have hooked up to my TV(s)?

In my case, to access Plex from my couch I have to pieces of gear that are essential, a flirc, and a raspberry pi.  Here is a description of each:

1. 91BpaVqmwyL._SL1500_[1]Raspberry Pi – the raspberry pi is a tiny and cheap computer that was developed as an inexpensive way to build small computers that don’t draw a lot of power and can be used for many things.  There are a huge number of projects people have built using a Raspberry Pi (home automation controllers, video game consoles, smart picture frames, etc).  One of the projects for that platform is RasPlex, a software client to access Plex.  Another is OpenElec (Kodi, the platform for all those android tv boxes out there lately).  It is a great little device that has all you need for making a media center computer….. network connectivity, usb ports, hdmi output, etc. The new version even has onboard bluetooth and wifi.   (well almost everything, I’ll get to that in a minute)  You can buy one of these kits from for about $100.  So go, grab one of these from amazon, and then go download/install RasPlex on the memory card.  Hook up to TV with an HDMI cable and you are off and running.  If Plex isn’t your thing and you want to try Kodi instead, give the OpenElec project a try.  (I’ll do a Kodi blog one of these days to compare with Plex).  You will need to control the device by using an app on your phone/tablet, by using a specialized USB/Bluetooth remote, by using a USB keyboard, or ……

2. by using a Flirc.  This is what I use.  I wanted to use the same remote I use for my TV as I do for my media pc.  This fantastic little device will allow you to menu20-500x500[1]program any IR remote to control a computer by converting each IR signal to a button press.  So in my case, I set the AUX setting on my universal remote to be programmed to some random VCR code so that it sends out IR signals that don’t control any other device I own.  I then used the Flirc to record those signals and convert them to key presses.  Once done I plug in to the Pi and pressing the standard remote now controls the Plex client.  (Up/Down/Left/Right/Play/Stop on the VCR remote sends those appropriate key presses to control the computer connected to the TV.  It is awesome.  Only one remote, and it functions just like a store bought player device would.  That is the one thing missing from the Pi itself that I think is worth it for a media center PC, an IR receiver, and this is a smart one on steroids.  It will cost you $40-50 to get it here, but it is WELL worth it.

So that is what I have connected to my TVs in house.  This little machine gives me access to all my media from the comfort of my couch.  The interface is great and is works very slick.  If you are a techy and you want something a little more customized than a Roku or Apple TV for your streaming client, I don’t think there is a better platform.  And if you find it isn’t working for you in the future, you can always re purpose the machine into a fantastic other project (give RetroPi a look).


New Wheels

New Wheels

Well, another update…. we have replaced the Kia with this beauty…. a 2016 Subaru Crosstrek in Hyper Blue.  We told Cole the next vehicle we got would be blue for him, so he kind of chose the colour.  No way we are getting lost in the parking lot anymore 🙂

Fun Long weekend

Fun Long weekend

Well, we took the opportunity to sneak out of town for a few days on the long weekend.  We packed up and headed to my folk’s place at Little Bear Lake.  It sounds like we picked a good weekend as the weather there was great and by the sounds of things, not so good here at home.

Erin brought the camera, so we braved the bugs (I’ve never seen it so bad) and got an updated family photo.  It has been a few years since the Francais clan has been convinced to all step in front of the camera, and us boys generally need to be dragged kicking and screaming to get there.  With the bugs being so bad, this time was no exception.  Luckily my wife is a brave and patient soul and she was able to make some fantastic lemonade with us lemons.


The second bit of fun this weekend was the quadding.  In the past Cole hasn’t wanted to go anywhere near them.  The weekend looked like it was going to be the same, but I convinced him to sit with dad and start it up.  The noise wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be, so I convinced him to go for a bit of a drive down the driveway as long as grandma was beside us.  Well that was all it took.  Now he is hooked.  We did 4-5 little tours on the quad this weekend, all going a littler further and a little faster.  (By the end….. go faster Daddy, go faster!)  So I think we will have to hunt for a better helmet and two up seat for more adventures to come.

So in all, it was a nice weekend to get away and relax.  I hope you had a great one as well


PS – Oh ya, the car sold.  That happened much faster than I was expecting.  So this week I get down to car hunting again.  Wish me luck!

PPS – The nice looking pictures, those I can’t take credit for.  My wife Erin handled those, isn’t she talented?  credit Finelite Photography & Design

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