One of the questions I often get is about password management.  How do I remember all my passwords, what is the best password manager to use, etc.  I have tried a bunch, and I’ve come to the conclusion that it depends.  Do you need it to manage accounts on your Windows computer?  Do you want it to password protect notes and photos?  I tried 1Password, one of the more popular ones, but it just missed out on a few features I really liked.  I found the interface somewhat clunky and features like photo protection was sub par.  I also tried LastPass and Dashlane, and based on ease of use, functionality and pricepoint, Onesafe won out. The main reasons I chose it over 1Password, the user interface is nicer and I can easily password protect photographs.

6.-Share-them-securely[1]To me, that means along side important usernames/passwords, I can also save other important photographic information.  In my case, I have photos of all my identification, passport details, credit card info, etc.  I have it all stored in the password protected application so that if I lose my wallet and have my phone, I have identification with me.  The app also has cloud sync, so my data is available on all my iOS devices.  There is also the ability to securely share information, so you can pass off details to friends/family.  In a previous blog I posted about Stocard, the app I use for reward cards.  This is the app I consider a great companion, for all the wallet things that need more protection than a standard reward card.

You just put a password on the application (or use your touch ID) and then you start adding information to the app.  You can enter website login information in the app and then launch the website with those credentials directly from there.  It is a great way to keep all your password information in one place.  The help is very useful and will get you what you need to get started.  You can store everything from website credentials, wifi passwords, to credit card and passport details.

The Onesafe company makes versions for iOS, Mac, Android and Windows phone.  I’m hoping some day they add Windows 10 so I can also manage/use the password information there too.  If it wasn’t for the lack of the Windows 10 application, I would recommend this over anything else.  It is just such a big feature to be missing for the Windows users.  It will still store your accounts, but you can’t use the tool to fire off the websites with the credentials you have saved, you must look them up and type them in.  If that isn’t a huge problem for you,  I still highly recommend this, and it is one of my must haves in my iOS toolkit.  The app available from the iTunes store for about $7 and is well worth a look.


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